Top 10 Creepiest Paranormal Legends … #9

Read the previous post in the Behind The Scenes series: Top 10 Creepiest Paranormal Legends . . . #10

This is the second of the Paranormal Legends countdown. The series is dedicated to readers of this blog. Also, do not forget to take the snap poll at the end of this blog. It’s an easy way to get your voice heard on this blog.

On to the post. #10 was about a man who refused to die by hanging. #9 is even creepier. Read on.

Precipitate interment

An elderly woman in the 1900s was suffering from a prolonged illness. Doctors came and doctors went, but none could cure her. Finally, after being in coma for quite some time, the woman passed away.

Her husband, the woman’s spouse of 50 years, was understandably distraught. He had lost a lover who was purportedly so close that they were rumored to have understood each other’s thoughts.

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