Top 10 Creepiest Paranormal Legends … #7

Read the previous post in the Behind The Scenes series: Top 10 Creepiest Paranormal Legends . . . #8

A man who refused to die by hanging. A woman buried alive giving her husband nightmares. A haunted prison with eerie paranormal activity. The legends are getting deeper. And spookier.

Also live is a not-so-spooky snap poll at the end of this post to dictate terms to me! Now, here comes #7.

The Bell Witch

John Bell was a North Carolina farmer who arrived at Adams, Tennessee, in 1804 and settled there along with his family. In the initial years, the family lived an untroubled and Spartan life. A few years later, however, things changed dramatically for the Bells.

The family started noticing strange things happening in their house. They began to hear peculiar scratching noises on the walls. This was followed by strange noises – of people being pinched and slapped, of objects being dropped – and animals getting skittish without any apparent reason.

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